Frank Grauer


Frank Grauer

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Frank Grauer studied mechanical engineering at the University of Bochum and graduated as Dipl. Ing. in 1995. In 1998 he was awarded Dr. Ing. (Ph. D.) for a thesis on active surge control in axial compressors at the same University.

In 1999 Dr. Grauer joined MTU Aero Engines AG in Munich, where he held different leading positions in engineering during the following years.

Since 2015 Dr. Frank Grauer is Director Engineering Advanced Programs at MTU Aero Engines AG. In this position Dr. Grauer is responsible for the preparation of future military and civil engine programs as well as the definition of technology needs to meet next generation propulsion system requirements.

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All session by Frank Grauer

Keynote 12 – MTU

14:45 - 15:45